Gift Certificates
Reiki I class gift certificate
Give a family member or friend the gift of learning how to perform Reiki on themselves and loved ones and friends. Classes are held on scheduled Saturdays from 9:30 Eastern to approximately 3:30. Classes are conducted virtually using Zoom.
One hour virtual Distant Reiki treatment
Give your loved one or friend a virtual Reiki session offered by Libby. The session is for one hour, and can be conducted by Zoom, phone, or with no connection with the intended recipient. After you've scheduled the session, please email Libby to let her know how the recipient prefers to have it offered.
“I felt very connected to my classmates. Something brought us all together to learn
how to heal with Reiki. It gives me increasing hope for the human race and this
planet. My experience of attunement was a feeling of warmth and love and energy
flowing through me. I feel stronger from taking this class and I know I will use it every
day. I feel I am here to serve as a conduit for love and healing. Thank you, Libby!
Jeanie C. 
“Very enjoyable and informative day. Libby makes everyone feel at ease and therefore able to learn in a way that the participant feels successful no matter what.”
Theresa G. 
“Love, love love! What a fantastic course and teacher—life-changing and life-giving! Everything was jampacked with meaning and healing and clarity.”
Rachel S. 
"We both want to thank YOU both 🙂 for an amazing two days. We have been clinical social workers for over 35 years and have done probably hundreds of trainings over the years. We also have taught at two graduate schools and know the challenges of teaching. That being said, we were so impressed with your efficiency, professionalism, incredible content (probably #1!) and most of all kindness. Ultimately nothing else matters. We learned SO much and are so appreciative. We have done a lot of training in Ericksonian hypnotherapy (and related approaches) and this is a natural expansion to that body of work."
Liz and Joe 
"I attended your Reiki I and II classes in March. I would like to thank you for the wonderful experience of taking your class as well as the positive impact it’s made for me and my family. I’ve been practicing on myself and my kids, who ask for Reiki almost every night, without any push from me. They sleep far better and they let their emotions out much easier. They’ve said that they can feel the calmness. I really think coming across your class came at the right moment in my life."
Christine D. 
"I took your class 5 days prior to flying with the hopes that I would add something substantial to my wellness toolbox to help assuage my fear (of flying). I was able to Reiki myself and use distance Reiki on the plane and pilot. I reminded myself too that even though I was in the plane, I was connected to the Earth. The calmness came over me and as the plane started to ascend, tears began to fall down my cheeks. My 11 year old daughter sat next to me and my youngest son on the other side of me. The rest of my family was a few rows behind me. I was doing my Reiki. I felt a calmness cover me. I felt safe. I felt connected to the Universe. I felt a sense of freedom I did not have since I was a child. I am filled with so much gratitude for taking this class. It taught me so much. I use Reiki everyday. It is part of my life. I share it with my family. Thank you for sharing Reiki with me. It has, hands down, changed my life."
Karen O. 
"I had such a wonderful experience in your class on Tuesday and every day since. I’ve done self-reiki daily as well as on my cat who has heart disease. I’ve had energy healing a few times before and have always experienced involuntary twitching of muscles all over my body. I experience the same when I am doing reiki on myself and my cat.
If you know cats, they have “no touch zones” where you can pet a cat and where you can’t (stomach, etc). When I’ve done reiki on him, he allows me to put my hands on his stomach and chest and leave them there for an extended period of time and he falls asleep. It’s amazing! I really, really appreciate your time and guidance and am so happy I have this ability now!"
Tessa N. 
“…you are such an inspiring woman, the energy in our class was amazing and I am sure in big part it was your gentle kind presence.”
Patty F. 
“I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the gift of my Reiki attunements. Since that weekend, my nerves have calmed, my mind has settled and my self-love has grown. I have done Reiki on myself every day since, and now have an opportunity to begin sharing Reiki with others.”
Vicki A. 
“I wanted to send a note of sincere gratitude for your amazing work and ability to share an incredible gift. I always leave your classes feeling uplifted.
I am truly grateful.”
“I came with the intention to include more Reiki in my life and service to others but have added a new understanding of how it can help me. I have made a commitment to do more self-Reiki now.”
L.L., RN 
“I took the first step for me in my transformation and that was opening to knowing I am not separate. I knew it with my head, but hadn’t received it in my heart. Now I know the truth. It has changed me.”
Linda L. 
“Libby has been both graceful and gracious in giving and sharing her knowledge of the world of Reiki. Superb presentation and everlasting patience.”